Our Philosophy

SMART Policy Group (SPG) was formed in recognition of the unique opportunity for moderate-driven, bipartisan policy solutions under the Biden Administration, in the 117th Congress, and in state legislatures across the country. SPG aims to provide its clients with Strategic, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely solutions to their legislative and regulatory needs. Our philosophy is to provide proactive and forward-thinking solutions that ensure clients have a seat at the table. We believe that good public policy should transcend politics and deliver the best possible outcomes for our clients.

Smart Policy Group has over 75 years of combined federal, state, and local government relations background. We have learned from experience that clients want the hands-on personal attention of seasoned professionals. This is exactly the type of service SPG prides ourselves on — a customer-focused approach to each project which receives the direct attention of our top level management.